CMA CGM invests in bio-methane fuel

CMA CGM has said to have invested in alternative fuels and launched a project to buy 12,000 tonnes of original bio-methane.

This amount of fuel would be enough to power two of its intra-Europe subsidiary Containerships’ 1,400 teu LNG-powered vessels, deployed on a St Petersburg-Rotterdam Baltic Sea feeder loop, for an entire year, says release.

The company said in a statement that, acquiring the fuel did not mean it would be running the ships purely on bio-methane from next month; rather that it paved the way for it do so in the future, as the fuel begins to enter the market.

In Europe, bio-methane is largely produced by the natural methanation of organic and plant waste.

“This energy source represents a fine example of how the circular economy can work while benefiting the agricultural sector,” said the company.

“CMA CGM intends to push ahead with the development of this energy source by investing in bio-methane production facilities and studying the viability of liquefaction processes, so that bio-methane can be rolled out as a shipping fuel,” the statement added.

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