You need more than eyes to see, you need a vision

Journey So Far
I stumbled into this industry as an investment analyst working for a venture capital fund. That fund did not finance ‘cargo’ airline at that time. The biggest mistake was that I continued to work in that industry until I realised cargo was my passion. A lot has changed since then, most of it for the betterment.

Industrial Transformation
The continuous digital transformation will help the industry reach next levels of transparency, reliability and efficiency. At the same time, I am convinced that problems can best be solved by people talking to each other. Invest in both – digitisation as well as people. Don’t choose between the two.

Major challenges on the Work Front
Last year was most difficult. Personal contacts with all the stakeholders are the way to dream up project, make them happen and solve the issues on the way. Being locked up glued to our screens made problems looked bigger. Sharing dreams do not work online.

Hobbies and Interests
I do play football on a Legends League level. I enjoy coaching and watching as well. I hope to be able to travel again and do more scuba diving, skiing and wildlife safaris. I am also an animal lover and have plenty of cats and dogs at home. I am also pleading for sealife protection on a global scale.

Favourite Cuisine
Usually, I would answer Vietnamese, or Thai, Malay, Sichuan. But after being 14 months away from home, my favourite cuisine would be Mama Mia’s home cooking back in Belgium.

Mantra for Success
You need more than eyes to see, you need a vision.

Values and beliefs that you live by…
You can’t milk the cows with your hands in your pants.
If you want something, you have to go and get it, work your way to it.

Message for Aspirants
As an industry, we should never stop questioning ourselves on how to get better and improve. On the other hand, we should also look at what we do and what we are capable of. We should be proud of our achievements, and communicate more on the positives. That will help us to attract the resources and the talents to take us to the next level

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