PSA and A*STAR collaborate for smart automated solutions for managing movement of AGVs at Tuas Port

PSA Singapore and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s (A*STAR’s) Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) have signed a research collaboration agreement to jointly develop a large-scale fleet management solution for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to move containers efficiently and securely in the Next Generation Port at Tuas. Tuas Port will be the largest fully automated container terminal in a single location with an annual handling capacity of 65 million TEUs1.

AGVs currently play a significant role in automating yard and wharf operations for the Tuas Port, due to their versatility and maneuverability in picking up and transporting containers. These driverless electric vehicles are also greener and more sustainable compared to using diesel prime movers, reducing carbon emissions by about 50 per cent. The fleet of AGVs is expected to increase in tandem with large-scale port operations. To meet the demands of a larger AGV fleet, PSA requires an intelligent, advanced fleet management system that is responsive and can handle the computational load. This new fleet management solution for AGV operations is also expected to achieve significant cost savings through the reduction of infrastructure and operational costs. PSA and A*STAR’s IHPC will co-develop advanced automation and digitalisation solutions that can address these needs.

IHPC will contribute its expertise in advanced high performance computing technologies and algorithms to develop accelerated solutions for large-scale fleet management of AGVs. PSA will contribute its expertise in the design of algorithms, provide a simulation platform to conduct the proof of concept, as well as furnish its wealth of experience and domain knowledge in the development and operation of the existing AGV fleet management system.

The research collaboration also includes the development of innovative techniques that will allow a scalable design with multiple AGVs coordinating seamlessly and at the same time, ensuring operational safety. Upon successful development, PSA will look to apply the smart solutions to future enhanced fleet management systems as operations in Tuas Port gradually scale up, while the addition of new technologies such as 5G will further enhance computation performance.

“PSA Singapore is pleased to partner IHPC in co-creating innovative and robust solutions to manage our large fleet of smart and green AGVs. We look forward to leveraging the diversity of ideas and thought to drive technological innovations which will enhance our operational agility and scalability. This collaboration will bring us closer to our vision of developing an intelligent, resilient and sustainable port of the future,” said Ong Kim Pong, Regional CEO- Southeast Asia, PSA International.

“ASTAR is excited to collaborate with PSA to co-develop smart solutions for Singapore’s Next Generation Port by enhancing the scalability and efficiency of terminal operations. This partnership demonstrates ASTAR’s contribution to the maritime industry by applying our research capabilities in high performance computing, and modelling and simulation to create intelligent and scalable technological solutions,” said Dr Lim Keng Hui, Executive Director, A*STAR’s IHPC.

Kenneth Lim, Assistant Chief Executive (Industry) of MPA said, “The development of large-scale AGV fleet management solution is a step towards realising MPA’s vision to build a smart, next-generation port that increases productivity, while improving safety and security. MPA is pleased to support this initiative which is funded under the Maritime Transformation Programme (MTP). One of the key vehicles under the Sea Transport Industry Transformation Map, MTP co-funds projects to develop new capabilities or technologies that have high potential for industry application.”

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