For me success is when I see my customers prospering and their business flourishing

Journey so far!

I started my career as an engineer in the manufacturing sector. From there, I moved into logistics where I started building my capabilities in the service industry, besides leading teams. I soon realised the potential of logistics and got tremendously fascinated with the impact I could bring into global trade along with my teams. Not only that, I also realised that there is incredible amount of knowledge generation and transfer from the best of the best as we cuts across customers, commodities, supply chain models and technologies that impact businesses across the world.

The journey for me so far has been interesting and full of learning. It has given me the opportunities to experiment, fail and learn, succeed and scale!

The biggest challenge

Working in cross-cultural and multilingual environment has been one of the biggest challenges that I have faced. I have been fortunate to be part of the leadership team that has guided and implemented mergers. Managing the different cultures of the merging entities and their people to eventually integrate into one has truly been a test that I have successfully passed.

Values for success

Being in supply chain management, I am always looking for ways to make my customer’s supply chains effective and efficient, and driving success through customer satisfaction too. For me, success is when I see my customers prospering and their business flourishing. This includes a lot of learning from my team mates every day; when they are happy to come to work and assist others when they need a helping hand with work, it is the true success of the entire ecosystem.

Interests and hobbies

I like to travel, be it jungles, sea or mountains; I love to be in the lap of nature. Besides, I enjoy spending quality time with my friends and family. Talking about sports, I am fond of playing badminton.

Message for aspirants

If one is willing to learn through the different chapters of life and enjoys working in a collaborative international environment, logistics is a career to opt for. It is an industry that rewards one truly in the sense of job satisfaction, making them a part of the larger purpose to create a better connected world.

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