The Chennai division of Southern Railway has introduced a dedicated Parcel Cargo Express Train (PCET) to enhance rail-based logistics, providing a faster and more reliable mode of transportation for parcel cargo. The inaugural service was flagged off on Wednesday by Chennai Divisional Railway Manager Vishwanath Eerya, marking a significant step in streamlining freight movement between the southern and northern regions of India.
The PCET will operate between Royapuram in Chennai and Patel Nagar in Delhi under a six-year contract awarded to the Rail Transport Corporation of India. The initiative is expected to generate substantial revenue, with the railway set to earn a minimum of Rs 25 lakh per trip. Operations are scheduled to continue from January 29, 2024, to January 1, 2031.
Initially, the train will complete two round trips per month, but the leaseholder has proposed to increase the frequency to two round trips per week on Wednesdays and Sundays. This expansion is expected to generate an estimated revenue of Rs 208 crore over six years. The cargo express will transport a diverse range of goods, including auto parts, leather, handloom products, tyres, and courier shipments.
The carrying capacity of the train is set at 353 tonnes per trip for the first six months, with a planned increase to 468 tonnes. Covering a total distance of 2,195 km, the service will play a crucial role in improving trade connectivity between the southern and northern regions, fostering economic growth and supply chain efficiency.